Pet Disaster Kit

September 4th, 2008

If you are facing a major weather event or an evacuation, a pet disaster kit should include the following:

1.  A three-day supply of food and drinking water, as well as bowls, cat litter and a container to be used as a litter box.

2.  Current photos and descriptions of pets.

3.  Up-to-date identification, including an additional tag with the phone number of someone out of the area in the event the pet becomes lost.  (It is best to have your pets microchipped if at all possible.)

4.  Medications, medical records and a first aid kit stored in a waterproof container.

5.  Sturdy leashes, harnesses and carriers to transport pets safely as well as blankets or towels for bedding and warmth. Carriers should be large enough to comfortably house your pet for several hours or even days.